Seven Poems by Phyllis Walsh (1928-2012)

Selected by CX Dillhunt and Trish Stachelski

in its voice
a fledgling hummingbird finds
the hibiscus' depth

                  from Hummingbird September 1992


bringing more rosebuds
rainstorms that scattered
wild rose petals

                  from Hummingbird September 1993


before love
she turns off the teakettle
about to whistle

                  from in the thick (tel-let, 1995)


dragonflies’ wings
   glisten in sunlight
      trails of slugs

                  from Hummingbird June 2000


in the small planters
sunflowers rise above all—
the work of squirrels

                  from Hummingbird June 2002


her hair permed and dyed
graying former hippie
tells of published poems

                  from Hummingbird March 2007

the old milkweed pod
  loses its last silk
     to the blizzard

                  from Hummingbird Dec. 2006

