(Click on links to poems, essays & reviews below.)
Editors' Note
Alternate Realities Poems & Visual Poetry
Online Features
What Is This Thing Called Genre Poetry? by F.J. Bergmann
Midwestern Weather: A Look at the Poetry of Bruce Dethlefsen and Ralph Murre, by Sarah Busse
American Virtue, American Vice—An Evening of Poetry at the Madison Museum of Contemporary Art, by Gillian Nevers,
with poems by R. Virgil Ellis, Russell Gardner, Martha Kaplan, Gregory Markee, Gillian Nevers, & Steve Tomasko
The Poetry of Social Media, by Lester Smith
Interview with Matthea Harvey, by Wendy Vardaman
Book Reviews
Barbara Jordan Bache-Wiig by Kathleen Serley
Nicholson Baker by Richard Swanson
B.J. Best by Karla Huston
Philip Dacey by Brent Goodman
Alice D’Alessio by Ralph Murre
Alice D’Alessio by Shelly Hall
Rob Eckert by Noel Sloboda
Eric Greinke by Judy Swann
Tony Hoagland by Kevin Fitchett
Judy Kolosso by Judy Swann
Michael Kriesel by Erik Richardson
Robert B. Moreland & Karen M. Miner by Kathleen Serley
Andrea Potos by Judith Barisonzi
Christine Rhein by Catherine Jagoe
Nadine S.St. Louis by Lou Roach
Alison Townsend by Judith Barisonzi